Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Savant Syndrome

Stephen Wiltshire

Wiltshire holding his MBE high in his right  hand.  He is shown from the waist up, smiling and formally dressed  (black suit and waistcoate; white shirt with lilac tie, loosely tied).   His head is shaved; a ring is visible on his right little finger
Stephen Wiltshire receives MBE for services to art
Flat Iron Building New York by Stephen Wiltshire MBE (2006) StephenWiltshire.co.uk
Big Ben on a rainy evening by Stephen Wiltshire MBE (2008) StephenWiltshire.co.uk
Venice by Stephen Wiltshire MBE

Stephen Wiltshire MBE, (born April 24, 1974) is an architectural artist who has been diagnosed with autism.Wiltshire was born in London, England, to West Indian parents. He is known for his ability to draw a landscape after seeing it just once. He studied Fine Art at City & Guilds Art College. His work is popular all over the world, and is held in a number of important collections.

Early life

Wiltshire was mute and at the age of three when he was diagnosed as autistic. The same year, his father died in a motorcycle accident. At the age of five, Stephen was sent to Queensmill School in London where he expressed interest in drawing. He began to communicate through his art. At the age of eight, he started drawing imaginary post-earthquake cityscapes and cars.

His teachers encouraged his drawing and with their aid Wiltshire learned to speak at the age of nine. When he was ten, Wiltshire drew a sequence of drawings of London landmarks, one for each letter, that he called a "London Alphabet".

In 1987, Wiltshire was part of a BBC programme The Foolish Wise Ones. A collection of his works, named Drawings, was published that year. Wiltshire can look at a target once and then draw an accurate and detailed picture of it. He once drew the whole of central London after a helicopter trip above it. He can also make imaginary scenes like St. Paul's Cathedral surrounded by flames. In 2003, there was a major retrospective in the Orleans House gallery in Twickenham, London.

Stephen's work has been the subject of many TV documentaries. Oliver Sacks, a neurologist, writes about him in the chapter "Prodigies", in his book An Anthropologist on Mars.

Wiltshire's books include Drawings (1987), Cities (1989), Floating Cities (1991), and Stephen Wiltshire's American Dream (1993). His third book—Floating Cities (Michael Joseph, 1991)—was number one on the Sunday Times best-seller list.

Between 1995 and his graduation in 1998, Wiltshire attended the City and Guilds of London Art School in Lambeth, South London.

In May 2005 Stephen produced his longest ever panoramic memory drawing of Tokyo on a 10-metre long canvas within seven days following a short helicopter ride over the city. Since then he has drawn Rome, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Madrid, Dubai, Jerusalem and London on giant canvasses. When Wiltshire took the helicopter ride over Rome, he drew it in such great detail that he drew the exact number of columns in the Pantheon.

In 2006, Stephen Wiltshire was awarded a Member of the Order of the British Empire for services to art. In September 2006 Stephen opened his permanent gallery in the Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, London.

On February 15, 2008, ABC News named him Person of the Week.[ In his first intimate interview with The Independent in 2009 he revealed his dreams, aspirations, idols and biggest regrets.

In July 2009 he was an ambassador of the Children's Art Day in the United Kingdom. His work is now popular all over the world, and is held in a number of important collections.

In October 2009 Stephen completed the last work in the series of panoramas, an 18ft memory drawing of his spiritual home, New York[. Following a 20 minute helicopter ride over the city he sketched the view of New Jersey, Manhattan, the Financial District, Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn over 5 days at Pratt Institute, the world-famous college of art and design, in New York.

His most recent projects included sketching Sydney and visiting to Bermuda National Gallery where the sale of his drawing of Hamilton City broke auction records. In June 2010, Christie's auctioned off[an iconic oil painting of his titled Times Square at Night.

Stephen Wiltshire recently started his tour of China, his first project took him to Shanghai in September 2010.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


The weekend of 30th July until 1st August this year will forever be etched in the minds of the 88 participants of students and 9 teachers who attended the programme of ''Anak Angkat and UPSR motivation'' organised by the PSK Unit of SMK Agama Slim River.The three days and two nights programme, held at Kampung Kuak Luar,Pengkalan Hulu,Perak.The objectives of the programme were to instil leadership qualities,improve teamwork among participants,reveal the truth life outside of school to students and most important, to get close relationship between students and the villagers.

All of the students,who are in Form Four this year,were very excited throughout the six-hour minute to the village. Although the journey was so far but it was not boring because we watched movie in the bus.They went there by two bus. Some people were go by teacher's car. Upon arrival,they are celebrated by the villagers of Kampung Kuak Luar and they were be taken as adopted child. All the people over the moon when their name was mention. Then,they were coming adopted parent's home. In the night,the activity is with own family adopted.

The second day of the programme started off with an early morning aerobic session at 8.00 a.m. Some energetic facilitators were conduct us and the students of years 5 and 6 for the session. The early morning exercise was invigorating and refreshing. Then,we were be separated into two group;group A and group B.Group A took for UPSR motivation programme because all of them were returned from PRODIGY Camp so, they must practise back all knowledge that they got there to the children.While group B helped villagers for ''gotong-royong memasak''. In the noon,we lunch together. The UPSR motivation end at 5.00 p.m. Group B end the activities around 3.00 p.m after cleaned up the place after lunch.After solat Zuhur,we were from group B returned to home.

In the evening at 5.00 p.m,we visited one of the oldest ''sekolah pondok'' in Malaysia.They live in poor life but,we were so impressive with their spirit to study. The interesting fact is only one or two students at there wearing spectacles although they study under candle light.At 6.00 p.m.boys student played football with the village's teenagers in battle. The result is our school won the match 2-0.The first goal scored by Azrul while the second goal scored by Syauqi.The night programme was so benefit;''ceramah Israk Mikraj''. The speaker was interesting because he know how to attract listener attention.The programme ended at 12.00 a.m.

On the final day,we had gotong-royong. Some of boy students gotong-royong at grave. The balance of them helped girl student at the mosque. 15 of girl students helped villagers prepared lunch for all.Then, all students be given time to spend with own family adopted for the last. The parting ceremony started at 3.00 p.m. All of us was so sad and cry. We returned to school at 6.00 p.m and reached at 11.30 p.m. We were so enjoy the holiday although tired.

Reported by

azrul firdaus

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How to write a report

How to write a report

What is a report? : Initial preparation : Planning and research : Report structure : Style : Checking

What is a report?

A report is a systematic, well organised document which defines and analyses a subject or problem, and which may include:

the record of a sequence of events
interpretation of the significance of these events or facts
evaluation of the facts or results of research presented
discussion of the outcomes of a decision or course of action

Reports must always be:

well structured

Various courses require you to write reports (as opposed to essays), notably business and scientific or technical subjects. There are, however, different interpretations of what a report should look like, so it is important that you check with your course tutors and course documentation as to the report format and content expected. In addition, there is at times some blurring between what “essays”, “reports” and “assignments” are, so again check within your department. Much of the advice given in Guide 1.01, How to write an essay, also applies to reports.

Initial preparation

Always analyse your brief carefully, making sure that you fully understand the topic, question or case, that you know what the purpose of the report is, and who it is being written for. The clearer these things are in your mind, the easier the report will be to write and the more effe
Planning and research

You first need to decide your basic framework. With your main topic or question as a central focus, jot down your initial thoughts and start to group these together. You may find the Mind Mapping technique useful: see Guide 2.11. Start to divide key ideas from subsidiary information, and continually ask yourself if everything is relevant; if it isn’t, then delete it.

From your prior knowledge (from reading and lectures), you should be able to put together a fairly basic structure.

You will now be able to plan your research. Ask yourself what you need to find out, maybe in the form of questions that need to be answered, then approach your reading from this starting point. If you have specific information to look for, it will make your reading easier and less time consuming. (See Guide 2.02 Reading techniques).

Try not to gather too much information. Again, keeping your topic or question in mind, reject anything which is not 100% relevant. When you’re making notes, always try to summarise the main points as concisely as possible. Remember to make a comprehensive record of any sources consulted in order to be able to correctly reference these.

Make a record of the research methods you used.

Report structure

Title page : Acknowledgements : Contents page : Terms of reference : Procedure : Materials and methods : Summary : Introduction : Main body : Results : Conclusion : Recommendations : Appendices : References : Bibliography : Glossary

Unlike essays, reports are written in sections with headings and sub-headings, which are usually numbered. Below are the possible components of a report, in the order in which they would appear. Check within your department which of these you should include.

Title page (always included)
This should normally include the title, your name and the name of the tutor to whom it is being submitted, date of submission, your course/department, and if applicable, the name of the person and/or organisation who has commissioned the report.
Avoid “fancy” fonts and effects and don’t include any clipart.

Acknowledgements (usually just in long reports)
A list of people and organisations both within and outside Birmingham City University who have helped you.

Contents page (always included in reports of 4+ pages)
A clear, well-formatted list of all the sections and sub-sections of the report. Don’t forget to put the page numbers! If applicable, there should be a separate list of tables, figures, illustrations and/or appendices after the main index.
Make sure that the headings in this list correspond exactly with those in your main body. It is best to do your list of contents right at the end.

Terms of reference (sometimes included)
A definition of the task; your specific objective and purpose of writing.
Even if you don't include this as a heading, it is a vital process to go through in your planning.

What exactly is your report going to be about?
If it is group work, who exactly is responsible for what?
How long have you got? What is your task timescale?
Why are you writing the report? What exactly are the assessment criteria?
Who are you writing the report for? Are you actually playing a role? What does your reader want to see?

Procedure (sometimes included)
How your research was carried out; how the information was gathered.

Materials and methods (included if applicable)
Similar to procedure, but more appropriate to scientific or engineering report writing. The following advice comes from Robert Barrass' book Scientists Must Write (Chapman & Hall,1978:135-136):

1 List the equipment used and draw anything that requires description (unless this is very simple).

2 State the conditions of the experiment and the procedure, with any precautions necessary to ensure accuracy and safety. However, when several experiments are reported, some details may fit better in the appropriate parts of the Results section.

3 Write the stages in any new procedure in the right order and describe in detail any new technique, or modifications of an established technique.

4 If necessary, refer to preliminary experiments and to any consequent changes in technique. Describe your controls adequately.

5 Include information on the purity and structure of the materials used, and on the source of the material and the method of preparation.

Summary (usually included in longer reports; may be called Executive Summary, Abstract or Synopsis)
This is a very brief outline of the report to give the potential reader a general idea of what it’s about. A statement of:

overall aims and specific objectives (unless included in terms of reference)
method/procedure used (unless included in separate section)
key findings
main conclusions and recommendations

Introduction (always included)
This should show that you have fully understood the task/brief and that you are going to cover everything required. Indicate the basic structure of the report.
You should include just a little background/context and indicate the reasons for writing the report. You may include your terms of reference and procedure/research methods if not covered elsewhere.
Your introduction will often give an indication of the conclusion to the report.

Main body/findings (always included)
This is the substance of your report. The structure will vary according to the nature of the material being presented, with headings and sub-headings used to clearly indicate the different sections (unlike an essay). A "situation>problem>solution>evaluation" approach may be appropriate.
It is not sufficient to simply describe a situation. Your tutor will be looking for analysis and for a critical approach, when appropriate.
Charts, diagrams and tables can be used to reinforce your arguments, although sometimes it may be better to include these as an appendix (particularly if they are long or complicated).
Do not include opinions, conclusions or recommendations in this section.

Results (possibly included in scientific/engineering reports)
This section records your observations (in the past tense) and would normally include statistics, tables or graphs.

Conclusion (always included)
Your conclusion should draw out the implications of your findings, with deductions based on the facts described in your main body. Don’t include any new material here.

Recommendations (sometimes included)
These should follow on logically from your conclusion and be specific, measurable and achievable. They should propose how the situation/problem could be improved by suggesting action to be taken. A “statement of cost” should be included if you are recommending changes that have financial implications.
Recommendations can be numbered if you wish.

Appendices (sometimes included)
An appendix (plural=appendices) is detailed documentation of points you outline in your findings, for example, technical data, questionnaires, letters sent, tables, sketches, charts, leaflets etc. It is supplementary information which you consider to be too long or complicated or not quite relevant enough to include in your main body, but which still should be of interest to your reader.
Each appendix should be referred to in your text. You should not include something as an appendix if it is not discussed in the main body.

References (always included)
This is a list giving the full details of all the sources to which you have made reference within your text. By far the most common method in use at Birmingham City University is the Harvard method.

Bibliography (sometimes included)
This is either a separate list of sources which you have used during your research, but have not actually made reference to in your writing, or this list together with your list of references.

Check in your department what you are expected to use.

Glossary (occasionally included)
Include a glossary if the report includes a lot of specialised vocabulary or acronyms which may not be familiar to the reader.


Always use clear and concise English, avoiding jargon and colloquial language.
Write in fairly short sentences.
Make sure you develop each paragraph sufficiently (usually a minimum of 5/6 sentences).
Most of your report should be impersonal, although it may be appropriate in your conclusion or recommendations to include more personal language.
Be extra careful with verb tenses.

Check everything carefully

Careful checking of your report before you print off the final version can make a big difference.

General layout
Text organisation
Grammar, spelling and punctuation

And finally overall, does the report fulfil its purpose? Does it do what you’re being asked to do and what you say you’re going to do in your introduction? Are you pleased with it? If you can’t confidently answer “yes” to these questions, then you may need to do some major editing and rewriting.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The story revolves around two main setting:Lucy's house which she shares with her mother
and her Uncle Bert,and the office of Ross and Bannister's where Lucy works as a secretary.

Lucy Beck :She is a young,shy and insecure graduate of secreterial studies.She is
dissatisfied with her current life and is determined to improve it.She
\ obtains a position with Ross and Bannister's,only to find that the position
comes with her chilling secret.
Ghost of Ms. :She was a previous employee of Ross and Bannister's.She is unwilling
to Bloome let go of her position and continous to defend her
post.even after her demise.
Lucy's mother:A housewife who lives a hard life.She has to support her brother.
Uncle Bert :Depends on his sister for support.he is also drunkard.
Harry Bert :Ross and Bannister's handyman. He is an old man who has been working with the company
for years.

Mr Ross :The younger partner of the company.


Possible theme that can in the short story are determination, possessiveness,loyalty loneliness,commitment, the supernatural, and compassion.

Despite the supernatural nature by which Ms.Broome badgers and demoralises lucy , she shows no sign of giving in to her demand. Instead, she is steadfast in defending her position as the secretary .

Not even death could part Ms .Broome from what she feels is rightfully hers. She continues to haunt the office through her electronic typewriter.

As with her possesiveness towards her job, Ms. Broome was also extremely loyal towards Mr.Bannister. Even after she passed on, her spirit continued in its endeavour to serve her employer.

loneliness can be strong influence in a person's lofe . ms broome had no life outside of her office. that made her possesive of her position in the company ; a possesiveness that went beyond the grave.

This attribute can be clearly seen in both lucy and Ms.Broome .Both are extremely commited to their profession.

it is interesting that such an integral character in the story happens to be an ethereal entity. Yet this theme is rather prominent in the story .

this theme holds water especially in the final confrontation between Lucy and Ms Broome , rather it was through compassion and understanding of Ms. Broome's intention.

*Do not judge a person morely through credentials or qualifications.
*We must be comitted and responsible to our vocation or profession.
*Wemust value our family.

Element of drama


* Comes from the Greek Word, “Dran”
* Means “To do” or “To Act”
* The Doing/Acting Makes Drama
* …is a story told in front of an audience

Elements of Drama

* Playwright-the author of a play
* Actors-the people who perform
* Actors-the people who perform
* Scenes-parts of the acts
* Characterization-playwright’s technique for making believable characters

Dramatic Speech

* Dialogue-conversation between or among characters
*Monologue-long speech by one single character (private thoughts

Stage Directions

* Found in brackets [ ]
* Describe scenery and how characters speak
* C, Center Stage
* L, Stage Left
* R, Stage Right
* U, Upstage or Rear
* D, Downstage or Front


* Where a play takes place


* Construction on the stage that shows time/place
* Could be called Scenery


* Small movable items that the actors use to make actions look real


Value 1: Determination ...
How do we build strength in themselves not to U-turn with each obstacle (Obstacle) outside the period. Strength is built with value 2: Readiness ...

Value 2: Readiness ...
Faced with obstacles that require precise readiness of mind and physical. This sense of readiness to rise to knowledge, and thoroughly understand every obstacle that successful challenger to the solution formed. However the solution to form the side we need to value 3: Willingness ...

Value 3: Willingness ...
solutions for each obstacle has a value of sacrifice that we need to face with redha and ready. When we were ready to go through and know what to sacrifice to achieve solutions to obstacles that the challenger Value 4: Acceptance play an important role.

Value 4: Acceptance ...
Acceptance of things that need to waived to get the solution of obstacles will facilitate mental and physical shape our readiness through obstacles. To receive these situations we need to realize where we are and what we would expect that the value 5: Sense of belonging can be formed in us ..

Value 5: Sense of belonging ...
Shaping values have owned and will make your mind and become physically stronger and more robust. This value will be formed when we can create value 1 to value 4. This process will strengthen ourselves to support and further develop the network in the life consisting of friends and family members. This value will also put us in a safe zone for us to deal with obstacles that challenger.

Once we control all these values, then we can form value distinction in ourselves ..

So .. tap your minds, hearts and ask where our needs and desires. ..